Monday, September 30, 2019


TRANSVERSAL PROYECT ENGLISH ATELOPHOBIA Grammar Oral Literature Marina Cecilia Garcia Contreras Rodrigo Hernandez Martinez Ilse Navarrete Salazar Diego Rodriguez Castro 4 °A Why we chose this problem? People too often become victims of Atelophobia in other words ‘fear of imperfection'. But one should always remember that mistakes are eye openers. They add to a person's experience. Mistakes are very normal. Till the time, you do not try to do a thing that you have never done before, you cannot do it. Any kind of fear of failure in doing that task perfectly is just a blocker.In my point of view I can say there are many things that this phobia makes you very insecure one is that you learn from mistakes , if I want to be perfect how can I make a mistake ? Hypothesis We think that atelophobia exists because all the influence of the media. Nowadays television, radio, magazines and many others, try to make people think that they should have an specific profile; they tell them they s hould be skinny, beautiful, tall, white and many others stereotypes that make people afraid of not being good enough and try to do many things to be perfect, but this can’t happen and many people have terrible consequences because of this.Problem Atelophobia is the fear of not being good enough. This is such a common problem that many people suffer and it’s getting bigger and bigger everytime because of the influence of the media and because people believe in all it says. It happens principally in teenagers because they are more involved in social pressure and many times they don’t accept themselves because of this. The worst part is that this can cause many others problems in them such as anorexia, bulimia, bullying and many other physic and psychologic problems. ConclusionsWhat we learn about this problem is that it is psychological, but in a big amount it is caused by society, we are often influence by the things people says and considers it is â€Å"perfect ion†. In addition, they always promote the ideal stereotype, with certain characteristics like being skinny, tall, white and what they consider beautiful, it appears in many ways of media like television, magazines, radio, etc. Even if we don? t notice, it causes a lot of damage in people, being obsessed with your image can have some terrible consequences. What we, as a society, can do about it is to stop caring about what people say, you don? need to have perfect physical appearance, just accept yourself as you are, be happy and feel confidence with your image. We have to start by making people know that being judgmental really can hurts the feelings of the other persons. This problem is nowadays very common, not accepting yourself can cause many horrible deceases like anorexia, bulimia, vigorexia or worse, suicide. We really have to stop this problem; it will take us time because we are used to be influenced by what all the people think, we should start with campaigns agains t stereotypes. Photos:

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Balanced literacy is a model designed to assist all pupils learn to read and compose efficaciously. Teachers no longer hold to utilize either whole – linguistic communication programming instructional schemes based preponderantly on phonics. Alternatively, balanced literacy involves non merely whole – linguistic communication and phonics, but several different positions and attacks ( Tompkins, 2003 p.15 ) . The plan stands steadfastly on the premiss that all pupils can larn to read and compose. This balance between reading and composing allows pupils to have the instruction needed in order to make grade degree position, while leting pupils to work at an instructional degree that is non thwarting for them. Balanced Literacy is a theoretical account for learning kids in a child-centered schoolroom, supplying many chances for existent life reading and composing experiences. It is originally based on the New Zealand Model for Literacy and Reading Recovery literacy theoretical accounts authored Marie Clay ( 1885 ) , studied and broadened by Irene Fountas, and Gay Su Pennell ( 1999 ) . Children read and write each twenty-four hours independently and in group scenes ( both big and little ) . Balanced Literacy schoolrooms focus on four different types of reading experiences: a ) reading aloud, B ) shared reading – whole category, degree Celsius ) guided reading – little group, and vitamin D ) independent reading. Students besides participate in day-to-day authorship activities that coincide with their reading experiences. The four types of authorship experiences are: a ) shared composing – whole category, B ) interactive composing – whole category or little group, degree Celsius ) composing workshop – little or single, and vitamin D ) independent composing. Additionally, during many day-to-day reading and composing experiences, kids are taught about letters, sounds, words and how they work. Listening and talking are besides emphasized in this incorporate linguistic communication attack. All literacy direction and assignments are prepared utilizing appropriate methodological analysiss that allow instructors to guarantee fidelity of academic content criterions every bit good as linguistic communication aims for Language Arts Instruction. Surveies agree that balanced literacy should besides embrace phonics, including complete phonemic consciousness, along with vocabulary acquisition, reading eloquence and comprehension. Harmonizing to Froehlich ( 2009 ) , instructors implementing Balanced Literacy use an incorporate attack to learning linguistic communication humanistic disciplines. Balanced Literacy consists of a figure of elements that provide an copiousness of reading and composing on a day-to-day footing and are frequently implemented utilizing cross-curricular methodological analysis. These reliable chances for reading and composing are arranged on a continuum based on more or less teacher support. Some reading and authorship undertakings are modeled by the instructors and others are accomplished with the support of the instructor, taking to a few that are done independently by the kid. Not merely does balanced literacy encourage and increase kids ‘s reading and composing accomplishments, nevertheless, the primary aim is that pupils will larn to bask reading and authorship, therefore cultivating a deeper sense of the value of literacy. Harmonizing to Pressley ( 2001 ) , and was commissioned by the National Reading Conference, most reading plans in simple schools countrywide use a balanced attack to literacy, although due to be limitations, some instructors in smaller communities may hold small or no entree to published literacy scheduling. Reading Recovery/ Descubriendo La Lectura Harmonizing to Clay ( 1993 ) , Reading Recovery is an early intercession plan for first twelvemonth reading direction that focuses on tutoring the lowest 20 per centum of fighting readers. Reading Recovery is comprised of phonemic consciousness, phonics, vocabulary, eloquence, comprehension, composing, unwritten linguistic communication, motive, and independency instructional constituents. Phonicss, phonemic consciousness, vocabulary, eloquence, comprehension, authorship, and unwritten linguistic communication are indispensable for favourable literacy results. The Reading Recovery plan consists of day-to-day 30 minute lessons by a instructor trained in the technique. The plan includes reading known narratives, reading a narrative that was read the twenty-four hours before, composing a narrative, reading with sentence strips, reading new narratives, and appraisal. Assessment is an of import characteristic of this plan. Ashdown and Simic ( 2007 ) found assorted consequences when analyzing limited English proficient pupils utilizing Reading Recovery plan as a intercession. Ashdown and Simic ( 2007 ) found that pupils with limited English proficiency that used Rea ding Recovery for over six months did score higher on achievement appraisals. Descubriendo La Lectura ( DLL ) is merely the Spanish version of Reading Recovery and consists of the same instructional constituents and day-to-day lessons ( Chueng and Slavin, 2005 ) . Merely one survey Descubriendo la Lectura of was conclusive for effectual literacy patterns. Other surveies reviewed by Chueng and Slavin ( 2005 ) did non ensue in positive literacy consequences for pupils whose L1 was Spanish. Overall, as a consequence of these surveies, one can infer that Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura ( DLL ) may non be effectual balanced literacy plans for English linguistic communication scholars if merely implemented over a short sum of clip. Those pupils that used Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura ( DLL ) as an intercession for over several months had positive discernible results. Success for All Slavin and Madden ( 1999 ) studied the comprehensive reading plan Success for All and found it to be a structured and effectual course of study theoretical account for Kindergarten and First grade pupils. Success for All provides early literacy using direct reading comprehension direction, methodical phonics direction, concerted acquisition schemes every bit good as full support for instructors including considerable professional development. Success for All besides incorporates one-to-one tutoring for fighting pupils every bit good frequent pupil appraisals and grouping and regrouping by ability degree. Reading is specifically taught in one 90 minute block ( Slavin and Madden, 1999 ; Chueng and Slavin 2005 ) . For English linguistic communication scholars ( ELLs ) , Success or All has two instructional plans. Exito Para Todas is the Spanish bilingual theoretical account. This plan teaches reading to pupils in Spanish for classs one and two and in 3rd grade passages pupils to English-only direction ( Chueng and Slavin, 2005 ) . The other plan is an English linguistic communication development ( ELD ) method, which teaches pupils in English with a focal point on linked vocabulary from reading texts and extra supports ( Chueng and Slavin, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to Chueng and Slavin, ( 2005 ) surveies in California and Texas utilizing Exito Para Todas demonstrated important trial mark differences on the Spanish Woodcock Assessments for Word Attack, Word Identification, and Passage Reading Comprehension for indiscriminately selected pupils utilizing the bilingual plan compared to pupils from schools that used other reading instructional methods. The overall average reading degree addition was.41 of one class degree for those kids utilizing Exito Para Todas. the Success for All plans were positive. Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, and Texas conducted similar surveies with Success for All ELD reading plan and harmonizing to Livingston and Flaherty ( 1997 ) the average reading degree increased by 0.37 of a grade degree. Cheung and Slavin ( 2005 ) further province that other researcher findings did non show pupil accomplishment as systematically for English linguistic communication scholars, nevertheless, most of the reappraisals rated both reading plans as effectual and positive. Educators are aware of the fact non every literacy plan will be successful for every pupil. Therefore, it is indispensable that instructors entree balanced literacy plans that engage pupil acquisition by implementing diverse methods that address larning manner penchants ( Thompkins, 2003 ) . Direct Direction Cheung and Slaving ( 2005 ) every bit good as Dahl and Freppon ( 1998 ) evaluated Direct Instruction ( DI ) with respect to effectual literacy direction for English linguistic communication scholars. Direct Instruction ( DI ) has been around for many old ages and is by and large implemented by the instructor for all pupils in the schoolroom and non purely limited specifically to English linguistic communication scholars. Direct Instruction ( DI ) provides extended phonics, paced reading direction, and frequent pupil appraisal. It was originally designed for fighting readers. Direct Instruction ( DI ) is a systematic attack and as with a comprehensive plan provides teacher support and preparation. It often used with pupils whose primary linguistic communication ( L1 ) is non English and is frequently incorporated into reading plans by big companies such as Harcort School Publishers. Studies show that it is non a balanced literacy plan as DI overemphasizes phonics direction and frequen tly this can be hard English linguistic communication scholars. However, Direct Direction can be a successful attack when several other reading methods and schemes are used in concurrence with it and it is used for over a two twelvemonth period ( Abott, Greenwood, and Kamps, 2007 ; Chueng and Slavin, 2005 ; Slavin and Madden, 1999 ) . Phonicss Plans Reasonably Phonics uses phonics as its cardinal reading foundation. Reasonably Phonics intercession dressed ores on pupils larning missive formation, missive sounds, blending, placing sounds in words, and spelling words. This plan did non show effectual and balanced literacy for English linguistic communication scholars and it is non extremely recommended for pupils with limited English proficiency. Libros is another literacy intercession plan developed for usage kindergarten categories. Teachers would direct place narratives in Spanish after they previewed and discussed the narrative exhaustively with their category. Parents were besides shown a picture of to promote parents to read with their kids every bit good as discuss the narrative with them. Students would have books in Spanish to take place and read with their parents. Results for pupils utilizing Libros for the full school twelvemonth, scored higher on missive and word idenfication, nevertheless, reading comprehension tonss were non as positive ( Chueng and Slavin ; 2005 ; Slavin and Madden, 1999 ) . One can reason that Libros focuses on phonics direction because the reading comprehension tonss did non demo a pronounced addition among English linguistic communication scholars. Besides, this plan appears to be slightly limited, because the cardinal thought is the books the pupils take place to read and pattern. This seems like a slightly auxiliary reading plan, alternatively of complete balanced literacy for English linguistic communication scholars. Decision After analyzing all of the research about the aforesaid reading plans for English linguistic communication scholars, I conclude that balanced literacy plans are reading intercession plans that resulted in more positive information among several different research workers. Obviously, Clay, Fountas, Pennell, and Slavin are some of most good known literacy research workers in the field. Besides, Slavin has updated his original reappraisal of effectual literacy plans from his first in 1999 to the most recent and comprehensive reappraisal of literacy plans in 2005. One concluding idea about balanced literacy plans, is teacher entree. I think it is It is critical that instructors have every bit much information about effectual balanced literacy plans for English linguistic communication scholars. Previously, I had entree to the literacy plan Success for All and I truly saw mensurable betterment among the pupils who were English linguistic communication scholars. Unfortunately, we do non utilize Success for All at the school where I presently teach. I do believe it is indispensable for instructors and decision makers to retrieve that while one plan may work for a specific pupil, it will non needfully increase literacy accomplishments for another. Educators need to be aware to integrate as many reading schemes as possible in their direction. I besides believe that concerted acquisition schemes will heighten any literacy plan and by utilizing concerted acquisition with reading plans, balance and success will better and bring forth favourable litera cy accomplishments. Another indispensable scheme for learning English linguistic communication scholars is seeking on Internet web sites such as Frohlich ‘s ( updated 2009 ) that has so many different balanced literacy learning AIDSs that can be downloaded and printed for instructors to use.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Howard Gardner Biography

Howard Gardner was born on July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His parents were refugees from the period of the Nazis, in Germany. As a child he loved music, he later became a great pianist. As a young man he enrolled at Harvard University. Gardner started to study other careers but ended getting inspired by the works of Jean Piaget to study developmental psychology.He is married to Ellen Winner, a developmental psychologist who teaches at Boston College, and they have four children together He spent some time working with two different types of groups, normal and gifted children and brain-damaged adults, Gardner began developing a theory designed to synthesize his research and observations. In 1983, he wrote Frames of Mind  which outlined his theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner believed that people had multiple different ways of thinking and learning.He has since identified and described eight different kinds of intelligence which are: Visual-spatial intelligence Gardne r also identifies spatial ability as one which lasts longest into old age, Linguistic-verbal intelligence which Gardner takes account of the importance of language in thought, and also in terms of music , Mathematical intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, Musical intelligence in which Gardner investigates neurological basis for the musical ability, Interpersonal intelligence is related to the ways in which we understand and respond to other people, Intrapersonal intelligence is mostly about our cognitive ability to understand ourselves as human beings and Naturalistic intelligence has to do with an individual's ability to perceive patterns in nature and to classify them. He has also believed that there might have been another possible addition of a ninth type which he refers to as â€Å"existential intelligence. Gardner’s theory has had one of the greatest impact in education In 1986 he started to teach at Harvard Graduate School of Education and began his role at Project Zero, which is a research group that focuses in human cognition with a special focus on the arts and was created by by the philosopher Nelson Goodman with the aim of improving learning in the Arts through research But Over this period Project Zero expanded from its original arts learning base to include research into learning across all types of things. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has not been accepted within academic psychology. However, it has met with a strongly positive response from many educators. After all, Gardner has been a great psychologist and his theory has inspired many educators, whether it hasn’t or has been accepted in psychology education.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Public Relations Plan for Tesco Assignment

Strategic Public Relations Plan for Tesco - Assignment Example An application of SOSTAC is applied here to Tesco. SOSTAC is a strategic marketing process introduced by Paul R. Smith (1990). This is being made a model in marketing throughout the business world. It has many features that involve SWOT, 5Ps, Marketing Mix, and other marketing tools. TESCO sees to it that it helps British shopping public. Tesco aims to make shopping simpler, more convenient and affordable for the customers. If these issues are directly addressed, customers reward the company with their loyalty. The company aims to communicate to the customers through its many subsidiaries, benefiting customers wherever they shop. Consumers have an easy way of switching between stores, that is, they choose to shop in a different store from one month to the next. They have a wide range of retailers to choose from including Wall Mart/Asda, Saisbury, Morrison, Waitrose, M&S, Somerfield, Aldi, Lidl and Netto, other smaller supermarkets, Costco and Makro, the Co-Ops, Symbol groups, and thousands of independent retailers. (Talking Tesco) TESCO then is in a very stiff competition. The management has to apply an effective PR strategy to cope with the challenges. Everyday too, the organization has to apply innovations to its various marketing infrastructures to be able to satisfy customers. Application of SOSTAC starts w... situation, the question that needs to be asked is "Where are we now" This means analyzing the entire organization, on how it has gone through after years of operation. Situation After its founding in 1919 by Jack Cohen, then the first Tesco store opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, Edgware, North London, the organisation has grown into a large business venturing not only on food but also on electrical goods, clothes and other services such as insurance, banking, etc. It has 30 distribution centres, of which six are dedicated to non-food and clothing. It is now the largest online grocery shopping service in the world. Fourth biggest online retailer in the UK, behind Amazon, Dell and Argos. Its revenues grew by 29.2% in 2007., the online shopping alternative accounts for 66.2% of all UK online food and grocery shoppers. ( The 3,262 stores wordwide go through multiple formats including: Extra, Superstore, Metro, Express, and Fresh and Easy. Tesco is now the leading retailer in the UK with about 30% of the total UK grocery market, and the largest food retailers in the world employing about 318,300 people. Tesco 2007 profits exceeded 2.55 billion. ( Marketing Mix applied on Tesco The Marketing Mix model (also known as the 4 P's) is used by marketers as a tool to assist in defining the marketing strategy. Marketing managers use this method to attempt to generate the optimal response in the target market by blending 4 (or 5, or 7) variables in an optimal way. It is important to understand that the Marketing Mix principles are controllable variables. The Marketing Mix can be adjusted on a frequent basis to meet the changing needs of the target group and the other dynamics of the marketing environment. (12 Manage website) PRODUCT The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Portfolio as a depiction of a Sole Person Assignment - 1

The Portfolio as a depiction of a Sole Person - Assignment Example The designer of the portfolio also had a careful selection of the two works of art before makeup on a single image. This is due to the high comparison n of the physical features of the face, the weight, the height and the compression. The designer of the work is also careful to select matching faces.Both images appear to be one face with glasses. However, from a closer inspection, it is evident that it is only one image that has spectacles on while the other half of the face is characterized by works of art; either a tattoo or an eye makeup that can be mistaken with spectacles. The image also depicts a good synchronization in the way the music instruments fit a messenger bag. The two form one complete look. The music instruments also appear to be in use by a person although the end of the instruments is put or stored in the messenger bag. One part of the face appears to be singing or exclaiming due to the opened mouth with the tongue sticking out. The other part of the face image shows a person who is very calm and almost shy. The image also shows a good synchronization of the middle body such that a person cannot notice that one part of the image is not dressed while the image is in a simple top shirt. The body size also appears to be of the same body weight. The width of the body seems to be almost equal. A person can thus assume that it is the same person turned from good to evil. The angle of the portfolio is from the head gives a good sense of careful selection. The image shows a person with long hair that is blowing out. The scenario shows a person who loves making fun and merry. However, a closer look reveals that the other part of the image is attributed to short hair that is neatly kept. The image thus shows that the person is careful with his life and not so much into merrymaking. The advertisement depicts that a person is inside. However, it does not  specifically state who person is behind what is seen in the image.  

Industry Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Industry Analysis - Term Paper Example Toyota Motor Corporation is one of those firms. The other top firms are Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company and Honda Motor Company. The automobile industry has been through a number of revolutions starting with standardized mass production which was instigated by Henry Ford; the second which was designed by Alfred Sloan included the organizational ‘creation of the Corporation with multi-product divisions emphasizing marketing and branding;’ the third revolution was created by Eiji Toyoda of Toyota Motor Corporation which focused on lean manufacturing and the development of quality (Maxton and Wormald 2005). The automobile is one of the most important industries in the world in terms of its contribution to GDP; it uses large steel and glass and consumes a high percentage of the world’s oils (Maxton and Wormald 2004). In addition to the transportation of people to various locations in order to facilitate various activities, it has also contributed to the fle xibility of the human race in terms of the transportation of goods for consumption and production. However, automobiles have lead to million of casualties on our roads, pollution of the environment, depletion of natural resources and global warming (Maxton and Wormald 2004). These have gained significant attention and have led to increasing legislation. The automobile industry is also very capital intensive due to the complex nature of the automobile. ... Some of Toyotas well known models are the Corolla in the compact range; Camry in the sedan range; Land Cruiser in the SUV category; the Lexus line in the luxury line; Celica in the sports line; the Tundra in the truck line; and the Coaster in the bus line. The Toyota Camry has been the best selling motor vehicle in America for 13 of the last 14 years (Toyota Motor Corporation). The Camry has won a number of awards 2.0 Analysis of the Industry Porter’s Five Forces model can be used to analyze the environment in the automobile industry. Porter indicates that there are five forces in an industry environment which work together to determine profitability and attractiveness in the long run. The five forces will assist firms like Toyota Motor Corporation determine their strength and competitive position. Walton (1999) indicates that a firm can be effective strategically once it can manipulate the forces in a way that is favorable to it. The more it does so the more it will achieve i ts goals. The five competitive forces in Porter’s Five Forces model are: the threat of substitutes; barriers to entry; rivalry in the industry; bargaining power of suppliers; and bargaining power of customers. The model is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 – Porter’s Five Forces Model 2.1 Threat of new substitutes A substitute is anything that is able to serve as replacement. In this case it specifically relate to anything that will help in transporting goods and people. There are a number of options available to customers who want to move from one place to another. They include bicycles and bikes for people travelling short distances. Bicycles are cheaper as they do not require fuel. However, they take

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mozart Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mozart Effect - Essay Example But according to early studies the effect was temporary. These results do not bear directly on the Mozart effect in its narrow sense, but they have been cited as support for the more general thesis also. I also deeply believe that listening to Mozart's music may have an ever-lasting effect not only for many young students but also for many people of all ages. Mozart effect is most effective in telling us how emotionally humans are to using any aids to communicate when dealing with another sort of creature which is so unlike themselves in terms of experience, size, sensory capabilities, and emotional tendencies. Who would not want a pre-packaged solution with so impressive a name The effect in which exposure to classical music claims to enhance performance on intelligence tests has attained the status of an urban myth, a myth sustained by toy companies, parenting manuals writers, and technology gurus. As far as the today's requirements concert people demand that the arts should not be taught only as separate core subjects, but integrated throughout the curriculum, using examples of eighth notes, half notes, etc., writing poetry in reading and English classes, in science classes, and experiencing art, music and poetry in the geography, history and social studies being taught. The instrumental argument for the music is a great sales tool, if it does not lead to wild beliefs. It in no way detracts from the esthetic any more than the nutrition detracts from the food. For the music, making wild claims is just as bad as making wild claims for food or for anything else. Now I am suggesting some definitions of Mozart effect given by some famous experts. According to John Brue, "Scholastic ability, future career paths, and ability to form loving relationships have little basis in neuroscience of children will ultimately determine by Stories s that they experiences during their early years of life." According to Dr. Gordon Shaw, "We have this common internal neural language that we are born with and so if you can exploit that with the right stimuli then you are going to help the brain develop to do the things like reason." According to Dr. Frances Rauscher, "We exposed these animals in utero and then sixty days after birth to different types of auditory stimulation

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Other than brutal conquest, what impact did the Mongol empire have on Essay

Other than brutal conquest, what impact did the Mongol empire have on the known world and why - Essay Example ined and the strongest armies and with a highly organizational and strategic mind of a leader, the Mongolians were able to succeed in their brutal conquest for expansion and increase in territory. Apart from achieving victory in stretching the empire through invasion and conquest, the Mongols also achieved great success in other things. One of the greatest impacts that is still evident up to this day is its effect on the human as well as the political geography of Asia. Because of the emergence of the Mongol Empire, the great collection of several Semi-Turkic and Mongolic tribes were unified under the reign and rule of the founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Kan. Moreover, the existence of the states that came out from the dust of the collapse of the Mongol Empire owed their existence to the Mongols. The large size of the Mongol Empire due to its great expansion and conquest from Asia reaching all the way to Eastern Europe has brought about and encouraged wider distribution and trading of a mixture of different goods and other products, and along with it also helped spread out and share knowledge and understanding of various topics and subject matter in several fields of astronomy, science, mathematics and also in other fields such as art, theatre and others. The founder and first leader of the Mongol Empire and known as one of the world’s greatest conquerors throughout history, Genghis Khan, brought the kingdom to become known throughout the world. Through him, the empire saw success and rose to power. Although Khan himself was illiterate, he ordered and introduced a writing system, which still kept on and remained in modern Mongolia up until the twentieth century. Furthermore, Genghis Khan also brought in the thought and initiative of religious tolerance all over the empire. The fifth leader of the Mongol Empire and the grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, continued to build on and develop the empire’s success. During his reign, he was also able to

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Costs of Ecotourism in the Global Community Term Paper

The Costs of Ecotourism in the Global Community - Term Paper Example However, the costs of ecotourism have become a controversial issue among different sectors and institutions in global society. Even though ecotourism is seen to promote ecological awareness for travelers and serve as a significant revenue generator for rural societies, a lot of people question its real function in the community. Some groups like Tourism Concern in the UK argued that ecotourism harms the environment, together with the people in it. (Ecobits and Ecopieces 2002) Currently, the word ecotourism is used loosely in conversations. "Ecotourism" is often used to denote activities involving nature. "Ecotourism" can designate a wide array of activity like mountain climbing, water rafting, and other ecological explorations. However, it can be surprising to find out that various ecotourism institutions give definitions which are a way to far from the colloquial perception. Ecotourism means "ecological tourism," which possesses both "ecological" and "social" connotations. Ecotourism can denote both "concept/tourism movement" and as a "tourism sector (Ecotourism 2005)." The existence of ecotourism dates back in the late 1980s and United Nations declared the year 2002 as the International Year of Tourism. During that year, the UN has recognized the impact of ecotourism in the global community and aimed to promote "sustainable tourism (International Year of Ecotourism 2002)."The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well being of local people (What is Ecotourism 2004)." This also implies that people who implement and take part in this "responsible travel" should adhere to principles so as promote the objectives of ecotourism. With this consideration, companies and participants alike are required to "minimize" their impact on the ecological society visited. Ecotourism activities should also be designed to establish environmental and cultural awareness and respect, as well as provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts. Since ecotourism is geared to develop the "destination," it should be able to benefit the society financially for the conservation of the environment.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Criminal Invesigations Essay Example for Free

Criminal Invesigations Essay The purpose of this research paper is to show the role, function, nature and responsibility of the criminal investigator. The Methods Used and the Interpretation of the Collection of Physical Evidence and Understanding of the Sources of Information will be explained within this paper. The Role, Function, Nature and Responsibility of the Criminal Investigator The criminal investigator has specific roles and function within their organization. The duty of a crime scene investigator is to try to assemble and bring together multiple events, information, and interpretations of a crime scene to make it one big picture. Based on physical evidence, testimonies of eyes witnesses, suspects, and the victim he will create scenery to figure out what has happened. He or she is creating a hypothesis in what happen before the crime scene occurred and after. All evidence found in all cases by the investigator has full understanding and knowledge of it in order to be an effective investigator (Physical Evidence). The mentality of an investigator has to have interest, observative, and have the ability to write down everything that is going on. While on a crime scene he or she will notice what is wrong in the crime scene. For instance, the investigator notices that everything in a home is taken out and thrown on the floor in which the investigator can tell the crime scene is a burglary. In the investigative world, not only each individual investigator learns from each case they take up but from each other. While learning from each other they have to be opened minded and have doubt in order not to interfere with the facts of the case. The job of a criminal investigator has high levels of critical thinking (Police). The Methods Used and the Interpretation of the Collection of Physical Evidence When the investigator is called onto a crime scene they have a lot of work to gather and process. The first initiative officer will turn the crime scene over to them. The investigator might be also in charge of giving out press information based on the crime scene. The first thing that they might observe is the possible of the scene being contaminated by the officers who arrived their initially. The crime scene must be organized, and controlled using the proper methods so that the suspect of the crime scene may be successfully captured (Police).. The investigator will meet with the lead detective and the first responding officer on scene. He or she will interview them the two people on information pertaining to the scene. The investigator will get an understanding on what happened, when it happened, and how the crime occurred. The information received, the investigator will combine his information with theirs and make a logical determination of what happen in the crime scene. The gathered information as if you were a judge to see if the facts and evidence will meet will support the conclusion of the scene (Police). The process of the crime scene investigation is when they receive a call to go to a crime scene. When you arrive at the scene, you will make a list of what is required for this particular crime. Every crime scene is different. As crime scene investigator, you will need to have enough police officers protecting the crime scene and yourself. The officer will have to make sure that no one who is not authorizes to enter the premises stays out. The responding officer or a designated person would be the recorder keeper of authorize personal who enter the crime scene. They would have to write down their name, ID number, date, time, and what department (Police). The crime scene investigator will start to take photographs from the outside. The will take pictures of the entire area. All angles will be necessary from across, behind, on top, and bottom of the crime scene. Pictures will be taken of the street names, numbers, the street itself, vehicles, and street light posts. The more pictures taken; the more evidence you have. Every picture taken should be accounted. A log will be helpful of keeping account of the pictures, what camera, lens and film being used. If video camera is used that is also should be logged into the log sheet. In addition, you may want to write down who had access to photos or video other than the crime scene investigator (Physical Evidence). Now, the crime scene investigator will take note on any damages or any property taken on the outside. All evidence will be taken into photography. Photography will be taken from all angles, close-up and from a distance. Any mark numbers and letters must be place in the one area and be able to fit in one photograph. Next, Diagrams will be made of the crime scene and where the evidence was found. Triangular, rectangular, and baseline diagrams will be made to show a rough measurement of where everything happened. The investigator is always to remember to record location, measurements, and the person who collected the information. The investigator will now move inside the premises of the crime area. The investigator has to make sure he has proper approval and if necessary a search warrant. When entering the premises, you may want to wear protective gear so that you will not contaminate the evidence. Protective gear may include gloves, head and shoe covers, jumpsuit, and a mask. When looking for evidence inside the area, avoid the place where you think the suspect has moved around. The investigator will have less cross contamination on the evidence. Area where the investigator will walk will be around the edges not of the middle of the scenery. They will take notice on the entry point and exit point of the suspect. They will make sure other detectives or investigators in the crime scene to walk in certain paths to not contaminate the crime scene (Police). The crime scene investigator will logically take photographs as he did outside into the interior of the crime scene. They will work either in the same direction or opposite direction in working the crime scene. The crime scene investigator will do the same procedures in all crime scenes. When taking photographs, the investigator will take photographs in a three dimensional way. Photographs will be taken of the floors, walls, and ceilings. Everything must be visible for evidence by taking photos of the four walls. One angle might not be enough to show the evidence needed. Multiple angles must be taken. With all the photos taken, the investigator will make a diagram of the crime scene. It is good to point out the major details of the crime scene such as furniture, entry and exit points, and the victim. Another way of recording evidence is through video camera. Taking video must be only of important video of the crime scene. It may be easier to take video in fifteen second intervals. The investigator will also take video from all angle of the crime scene. After they are done collecting evidence, they will go make another walk through to make sure no missing evidence pertaining to the crime scene. Collaboration with other crime scene investigators and detectives will be done to insure all evidence has been collected. Understanding of the Sources of Information In the line of an investigator, getting enough information is critical. Information can be from physical evidence, the crime scene, interviewing, and interrogations. Interview and interrogations are very different. Interviews are just to gather information of the crime. An interrogation is getting information based on the suspect being involved. An investigator need to know the difference so that the person being interviewed or interrogated will know if they in custody or being asked a few questions. Two key ways of getting information will be witnesses, and interviews (Berg). WitnessesA witness will help out a lot while investigating. When interviewing, there are ten basic steps. The steps are plan ahead, arrange for privacy, identify yourself properly, assemble case facts in advance, have an intentional direction, be timely, avoid interruptions, be a good listener, adjust language level, pace, and demeanor as necessary, and maintain rapport throughout the interview. There are many types of witness which may include willing witnesses, eyewitnesses, reluctant witnesses, silent or disinterested witnesses, unreliable witnesses, frightened witnesses, biased witness, hostile witnesses, timid witnesses and deceitful witnesses. An investigator may also deal with people of many different ages. The investigator will have to identify these witnesses, and if they are children, young adults, or mature adults. They will have different methods on the way they try to receive information and if the information is valid (Berg). Interviews At first, a rapport will be made by the investigator. A rapport is a relationship between the officer and the one being interview knowing theirs empathy. An interview may not exactly occur right after the crime due to the anxiety from the situation. Time is needed before interviewing. It has to be a respectful interview and listening very closely. There two ways to interview a person; cognitive and behavioral analysis. Cognitive interview is reconstructing the circumstances, reporting all information, recalling events in different orders, and changing perspectives. Behavioral analysis is just identifying the person body language to the truth (Berg). Conclusion In conclusion, criminal investigation is a long process of collecting information. They have the most important job. The process of collecting information is extensive. It is critical for them to collect all evidence so that the suspect may be apprehended and justice shall be served when in the court system. Information may be either through physical evidence, interviews, or witnesses (Berg). Works Cited Berg, Bruce L., John J. Horgan, and John J. Horgan. Criminal Investigation. New York, NY: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 1998. Print. Physical Evidence., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. Police: Criminal Investigations Sources Of Information And Evidence In Criminal Investigations. Physical, Crime, Polygraph, and Witnesses. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sports Essays Eating Disorders Athletes

Sports Essays Eating Disorders Athletes Eating disorders can be common among athletes. This may be due to the pressure of the sporting background that commonly precipitates the beginning of these problems. In this day and age certain obsessive behaviour such as extreme exercise and also erratic eating habits have become a normal part of society. Williamson et al suggests that (â€Å"Concern about an athletes body size and shape has become greater than ever before due to the pressure for thinness from coaches and also from athletic performance, and negative self appraisal of athletic achievement†) It has been suggested that the majority of successful athletes are strong minded, and set almost impossible targets for themselves and work long hard hours to achieve these targets. However these factors can bring on eating disorders that can often be found in anorexia and bulimic patients. Disordered eating is possibly found in most sporting activities. The athletes most at risk from developing or indeed having an eating disorder are those who engage in sports that require certain characteristics. For instance gymnasts and also figure skaters are under extreme and constant pressure to preserve a chid like body. Chaotic eating disorders are prevalent in girl athletes but not so much in boy athletes. In 1992 the NCCA conducted a survey of athletes. The NCCA stated (â€Å"93% of the programs reporting eating disorders were in womens sports) (Dying to win 1994 suggests that † Some male athletes do use extreme methods for losing weight, but an important difference exists between these and the self-starvation strategies of anorexics)† For instance, a weight lifters view of his body is not warped. When the weight lifter is not in competition he can regain the weight easily. This suggests that it is possible for the body to return to normal when the athletes sport ing career comes to an end. But unfortunately this is not the case in females. Eating disorders often happen to young girls who become obsessed with avoiding the progression of becoming a woman. These girls will go to extreme measures to keep a child like physique. This is what gymnastics are told they must do in order to stay in gymnasts competition. Because of this it is a gymnastics biggest fear of developing a womanly shape that might obstruct their performance. Sundgot-Borgen 1994 states that † This could provoke a conflict in which an athlete struggles to prevent or counter the natural physical changes precipitated by growth and maturity† many gymnasts have been training since early childhood. In taking part in such specific training before the body reaches maturity these girls risk losing out in a which another sport that they could do in adult hood when their gymnastic career ends. The leading UK charity for people with eating disorders is called B-eat. This stands for beating eating disorders. Beat surveyed 600 young people who suffer from an eating disorders-eat results were: Only 1 percent of children felt they could talk to their parents about their eating related concerns. 9 percent of children felt they might be able to talk to someone at school. 17 percent of children felt they might be able to talk to a doctor or nurse 92 percent of children felt they couldnt tell anyone. B-eat states that† currently the number of people receiving treatment for anorexia or bulimia to be near 90, 000, while many more people have eating disorders undiagnosed†. So of these 92%, the 17% who felt they might be able to talk to a doctor or nurse. So might benefit from the programme. If 92 percent of children feel that they could not tell anyone that they had an eating disorder then it is obvious that there is a need for young people to be educated about the dangers of eating disorders. There is also a need for counsellors or something similar to the Samaritans. So that children have the opportunity to talk about eating disorders to people who will not judge them. The will just listen and give advice if it is asked for. Gymnasts are only too aware about how their slender body shape can mean winning or losing a competition. This one of the main reasons why gymnasts are more at risk from developing an eating disorder. The qualities that make a good gymnast such as high expectations, being compulsive and also striving to be the best are all key characteristics connected to eating disorders. These statistics suggest that there is a need for a well being programme targeting female gymnasts of secondary school age. In beats survey 92% of children felt that they could not tell anyone that they have an eating disorder.17% said they might be able to talk to a doctor or nurse about it. In order to combat this discussion groups could take place on a monthly basis, as part of the gymnastic curriculum in local clubs such as the YMCA (The YMCA is part of the voluntary sector that rely mainly on good will donations and also club membership. It is a non-profit organisation). However conducting a programme surrounding eating disorders should be done with caution and awareness that the people most vulnerable will take any comment or criticism to heart. For example taking a persons weight and vital statistics is not a good way to try and combat eating disorders. This will only make the person mare aware abut body issues even more so if others in the group are thinner or have a smaller body mass index. For this reason, YMCA volunteers should receive training on how to approach and discuss the subject. In 1992 Claire Vickery founded the Butterfly Foundation. In Australia. The Foundation offers support to those people who suffer from an eating disorder and also poor or negative self body image. Claire was said to have discovered â€Å"gaps† in the† public health system† for the people who are and continue to suffer from eating disorders. The Butterfly Foundation suggests that† there is more pressure than ever before on young people who are exposed to highly stylized unrealistic images in the media at an alarming rate every day† This in turn can lead to thoughts of failure unsafe expectations, resulting in little confidence negative thoughts about body image. The Butterfly Foundation can offer support to educational establishments and also local community groups in the structure of workshops presentations to aid youngsters to develop their body image, self-esteem media understanding. The Eating Difficulties Education Network is another organisation that deals with eating disorders. EDEN is community service, which is based in Auckland New Zealand. The organisation is run by a group of women who can provide information and also assistance for those individuals who suffer from eating disorders, and also support their family and close ones. Eden can provide counselling and also workshops for Health professional, the community and also educational establishments. Edens main focus is for the promotion of â€Å"body satisfaction† and takes the approach that you can be happy whatever your size may be. It may be that girls will respond better to women speakers and counsellors. EDEN works in two main areas. These being, working with the people who have eating problems and also working towards the prevention of eating disorders among young people. . EDEN states that† dieting is ineffective and potentially leads to weight and body image difficulties in all their forms. Aiming to work with individuals to develop body satisfaction and seek to create environments that are accepting of size diversity and which support body trust†. At present in the United Kingdom there is little support for vulnerable children including athletes in relation to eating disorders. Only B-eat tries to help combat eating disorders-eat is relatively unheard of and is not well publicized. If the Butterfly Foundation in Australia has been in operation since 1992 then this would suggest that the foundation is working well in helping combat eating disorders. The United Kingdom would profit to follow a similar programme. The programme could include areas such as: Workshops, which are interactive, group discussions activities on Self Esteem Body Image: group discussions are a good way to get people to open up and discuss their ideas/feeling on the relevant subject. Open-ended questions tend to get the best response from people. Open-ended questions ask specific questions which cannot be answered with a simple yes/no or a specific piece of information. In extreme cases, referal to a mental health practitioner. Using a series of cards with different statements is a good way to help children open up and discuss their feeling. It is also a good way of getting children involved in self-esteem group activities. Media literacy uses an â€Å"inquiry based instruction model† This model helps motivate people into asking questions in relation to what they see in the media whether they watch it or read it. Media literacy provides different means of assessment tools to help people look at the media and to help people become aware of one sided views in the media. Media Literacy can help provide people with greater perceptive of understanding the role of mass media and bias media in blocking views of reality. Presentations are a good way of getting important information across to the audience 15mins or 20mins presentations could be used, as the audience will be young teenagers and/or children and may not have a long attention span that an adult would have. These presentations would include questions to/from the audience, but do not involve activities. For this reason they can be delivered to large numbers of students for example up to 50 at a time. The following topics could be used in presentations: Self Esteem Body perception and Image: Body image and perception is how a person feels and views their physical appearance. A lot of young people, mainly in their early teens, suffer from low self -esteem this is because as children develop into adolescents, they become aware about how others see and perceive them. Media Influences: recently, in the past few years it has become† politically correct† for the media to make some attempt to fight eating disorders. Magazines and TV shows and adverts featuring the misfortune of anorexia and bulimia, but this hard work is proving to be unsuccessful when they are presented in the usual perspective. For instance, how can one think that a teenage magazine is actually motivated to beat eating disorders when the stories relating to that area are covered by advertisements featuring childlike looking role models. People often feel that the do not â€Å"measure up† this is attributable to the anxiety of trying to live up to unhealthy† cultural expectations† of physical body perfection. BUPA suggests â€Å"Children and young people need to do 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every day. This needs to include at least two weekly activities that produce high physical stress on bones, such as dancing, jumping or aerobics to aid development†. (Muscat, 2002). Suggests† Another method that coaches, parents (family) and athletes may use to help prevent disordered eating in sport is to avoid making derogatory comments about the female body.† Research shows that female athletes who report critical comments, compared with those who do not, also report greater disordered eating. Such athletes clearly suffer from body-image anxiety. Findings indicate that critical comments related to disordered eating behaviours are from multiple sources (Rieves Cash, 1996) rather than limited to coaches and peers (Beals, Manore, 1994; Berry Howe, 2000; Sundgot-Boren, 1994; Williamson et al., 1995). In addition to comments from coaches and peers, female athletes reported critical comments from parents, grandparents, medical professionals, siblings, and teachers (Muscat, 2002) Therefore this makes the task of altering their self-image extremely complex. Evaluation of the programme could be in the form of anonymous post cards that would be posted in a box. The cards would allow for comments and feedback both positive and negative, which will be essential to the success of the programme and will allow for changes to be made if needed. So the foregoing is the proposed programme. The media is partly to blame for placing a huge importance on what a person looks like and also what size they are. The television and also glossy magazines continually flood our brains with images of body perfection and images of attractive perfect looking people. These messages, which are specifically targeted at females, motivate people into believing that in order to be successful you have to be good looking and slim. This media stereotyping is thought to be the causes why of only ten percent of men have eating disorders, while 90 percent are women. Eating disorders are said to stem from addictive and compulsive behaviours.Other people who have the same or similar traits may turn to alchol,be drug users,self abuse or gamble.People who suffer from eating disorders also suffer from low self esteem,and also a lack of direction in life.This may be a reason why gymnasts are prone to eating disorders.They realise their careers will be over when they reach their mid 20s and do not know what their life will hold from them beyond then. McPherson et al. (1989) states, â€Å"Deviant Behaviour is a product of numerous interacting social and cultural forces. These include an inadequate socialisation process; lack of, or failure of social controls; perceived inequities in a situation; the individuals definition of the situation; and the labelling of individuals who engage in deviance. More specifically, one learns deviant behaviour by directly and indirectly acquiring opportunities†. Over conformity is a behavioral characteristic commonly found in sport. Overcomformity goes way beyond normally accepted rules or regulations that it interferes with the persons health and well-being. Over conformity is behavior grounded in a naive acceptance of rules and regulations. According to Coakley p.166† deviance grounded in overconformilty is often identified as an indication of commitment and dedication, even though it may be dangerous and have serious consequences for the health and well being of self and others†. According to Dying to win 1994 â€Å" a large percentage of gymnastic coaches are constantly instructing the girls on how to count calories, how to act, what to wear, and what to say in public† Because of this these girls feel that the only part of their lives that they are able to control is the food and drink that they consume. Because these coaches are authority figures to these gymnasts any remark made will have deep impact and be taken to heart. One of the main reasons that these girls embark on such drastic diets is because their coach suggests that they need to lose some weight in order from them to look their best. These girls are young and vulnerable to such comments and remarks that they be seen as a basis for enhanced routines. Athletes can be under the illusion that to be a real athlete they must make sacrifices whether it is to your own body or to others and pay the price to increase skills in order to stay in the industry as long as they can. Judging gymnasts ability is not objective. Each of the Judges makes a score according to what they believe makes a good routine. The look of the gymnast may control their perceptions and in doing so affect their final verdict. This reinforces the idea that in order to be at the top of their game a gymnast has to maintain a childlike body. This encourages deviant behaviour, as these girls will do anything to be a winner including going way beyond the norms of society. A terrible example of when a judges decision helped destroy a girls life is an event with gymnast Christy Henrich who was a top contestant in gymnastics in the latter part of the 1980s. She died of a multiple organ failure due to her fight with anorexia and associated eating disorders. At a meeting in Budapest, an American. Judge stated that† Henrich would have to lose weight if she wanted to make the Olympic team.† When Henrich returned to America her mum remembers the first words out of her daughters mouth:† she was fat and she would have to lose weightthat was the only way she would reach her dreams†. Because of these judges tough rules coakley p174 suggests that the roots of deviance go deeper than the individual desire to win or make money. These roots are grounded in the very values promoted through the sport ethic itself. Therefore, much of the deviance in sports is most accurately identified as a social issue rather than just a personal problem of indi vidual athletes. Eitzen, 1988, States that† Within sport, deviance involves violating the rules of a game or organisation, going beyond commonly accepted definitions of fair- play and sportsmanship, and intentionally using illegal means to intimidate or injure an opponent† This means athletes are willing to do anything to get to the top of their game e.g. drug use for weight control and/or stimulants for endurance. No matter how bad the end consequence is. Christy Enrich died as a result of her deviant behaviour spiralling out- with her control. The increase of commercialism in sports has lead to more rules and more pressure to win and be at the top of the game. This in turn has lead to deviance becoming widespread due to the fact that the top judges are reluctant or powerless to punish all acts of deviance. Due to government intervention and equal rights in athletes participation in sports female participation has increased. The first law in America to disallow sex discrimination in any shape or form among people of educational establishment was named† title X†This law was enforced to allow greater gender equality. This means that no one can be discriminated against in relation to gender. Under the â€Å"Title X law both men and women must be treated the same and fairly without judgment. †Title X† covers all areas of government policy including recruitment, housing, insurance and athletics. In the United Kingdom similar law to â€Å"Title X† this law is called â€Å"The Brighton Decleration.†The main aim of the declaration is to â€Å"develop a sporting culture which enables and values the full involvement of women in every aspect of life†. When sport is practiced equally and also fairly it can help make society a better place and also encourage equality. A good example of this is the Olympic games. Sport is a cultural activity, which, practiced fairly and equitably, enriches society and encourages friendship between nations. â€Å"Sport is an activity which offers the individual the opportunity of self-knowledge, self-expression and fulfillment; personal achievement, skill acquisition and demonstration of ability; social interaction, enjoyment, good health and well-being†. (The Brighton declaration) In society, sport plays a part in the culture of every nation. Sport participation in women varies vastly between nations. Females make up more than half of the worlds population. However in sport participation is still predominately male. In recent years despite growing participation of women in sporting activities and also improved opportunities due to laws being past on equal opportunities such as â€Å"Title X† and â€Å"The Brighton Declaration† women in high positions within sport has not followed. Females continue to be undermined and miss- represented in relation to management roles within sport especially at the top ranks. Equal opportunities will continue not to exist and be achieved within sport because of the lack of these role models. For example, women aducation and their ensuring comments might persuade young female athletes away from deviant behavior in relation to body weight and image. In conclusion, eating disorders can happen to anybody. It seems to be most prevalent in young teenage girls. Gymnasts, more than any other athletes are more at risk from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. This may be due to the fact that gymnasts, especially the females, are put under regular stress to keep to a very low body weight for visual presentation to the judges. Many judges award points for small body size alone. Because of this there is a need to educate young teenage girls to the dangers of having an eating disorder. As Coakley states â€Å"deviance grounded in overconformilty is often identified as an indication of commitment and dedication, even though it may be dangerous and have serious consequences for the health and well being of self and others†. These gymnasts believe that the have to be the thinnest to be at the top of their game. Their coaches reinforce this idea. According to (Dying to win 1994) a large percentage of gymnastic coaches are constantly instructing the girls on how to count calories, how to act, what to wear. Because of this these girls feel that the only part of their lives that they are able to control is the food and drink that they consume. Because these coaches are role models to these gymnasts any remark made will have deep impact and be taken to heart. One of the main reasons that these girls embark on such drastic diets is because their coach suggests that they need to lose some weight in order from them to look their best. These girls are young and vulnerable to such comments and remarks that may be seen as a basis for enhanced routines. And so if there were more females in positions of authority, e.g. judges, they could counteract this perspective. According to Health magazine, April 2002,†32% of female TV network characters are underweight, while only 5% of females in the U.S. audience are underweight†. In contrast, actors who are older, frumpier, scruffy, perhaps physically challenged, represent evil and also stupid people. The majority seem to be heavy. Once more according to Health magazine,† only 3% of female TV network characters are obese, while 25% of U.S. women fall into that category† This shows that the media is partly to blame for eating disorders in young people. No one wants to be known as heavy, overweight or scruffy. We need more realism for example the normal size for a woman is more like Opra Winfery. According to B—eats survey of 600 young people with eating disorders 92% of children felt that they could not tell anybody that the had an eating disorder. This suggests that there are a large number of children that need help and also someone to talk to and discuss their feelings in relation to eating disorders. However, of these 92%, 17% would seem amenable to help. The Butterfly Foundation in Australia and also EDEN in Auckland, New Zealand are both for non-profit which help young girls combat eating disorders. Both organisations offer support and counselling. Though different means of evaluation such as presentations to schools on the dangers of eating disorders. By following a programme similar to both the Butterfly Foundation and also Eden Britain can begin to tackle the growing problem of eating disorders. In which takes a multidisciplinary approach in schools, the voluntary sector, sports establishments and also G.P, mental health referrals. Government funding could be ring-fenced money for programme funding. More women of authority and also approachable councillors and training may require women instead of men. References About eating disorders/what is an eating disorder. Beat [internet]. Available from: [Accessed on 07 April 2008]. Berger, John. (1972) Ways of Seeing. London: BBC/Harmondsworth: Penguin. Body image. Hms Harvard. [Internet]. Available [Accessed 18April 2008] Coakley, J (2007) Sports in Society: Issues Controversies. International edition. 9th edition. McGraw Hill, New York. Coakley, J. and Dunning, E. (2002) Handbook of Sports Studies, London, Sage. Eating disorder statistics. [Internet]. Available from: [Accessed 03 May 2008]. Eitzen, D.S. (1988). Ethical problems in American sportJournal of Sport and Social Issues. Garner DM, Garfinkel PE. (1980) Socio-cultural factors in the development of anorexia nervosa. Psychol Med. Hargreaves, J. (1994) Sporting Females, London: Routledge. Hargreaves, J. (1986) Sport, Power Culture, Cambridge: Polity. Holt, R. (1989) Sport the British: A Modern History, Oxford, University Press. Horne, J, et al., (1999) Understanding Sport: An Introduction to the Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Sport, London, EFN Spon. McPherson, B.D.; Curtis, J.E.; and Loy, J.W.; (1989), The Social Significance Of Sport, Human Kinetics Books Illinois. The Butterfly Foundation. [Internet]. Available from, [Accessed 12 May 2008] Ideal weight varies across cultures, but body image dissatisfaction pervades [Internet] Available from, [Accessed 12 May 2008]

Friday, September 20, 2019

Contrast And Compare Two Different Festivals Tourism Essay

Contrast And Compare Two Different Festivals Tourism Essay According to oxford dictionary the definition of festival is A series of different types of performances which includes film show, music, dance, fair etc. And it also occurs in the same place and the same day in once a year. Festival is that things which is the aspect of a country. Its standing for people amusements and the historical background of a country. Festival is organized by people or group or organization. Different kinds of festivals are found in a country such as cultural festival, local festival, national festival, ritual festival etc. cultural festival is very important festival. It represents the culture and heritage of one country. Now questions can arise that what is cultural festival, how people celebrate it, and so on. For giving the answers of these questions I have decided to choose two different countriess and find out the cultural festival of these countries and also try to make a compare and contrast of these two festival to show the differences and similarities. Countries that I choose: For making contrasts and compares of two different festivals I have choose two different countries for this purpose. The countries are Oman and Italy. Oman: Oman is an Asian country. Its situated in the middle of Asia. It has many cultural contents which make Oman rich and for a huge affluent of cultural contents Oman is also known as the culture capital of the Arabian world.. Italy: Italy is a European country. Its located in south-central of Europe. Italy have many cultural ingredients which make Italy exceptional then others country. Festivals that I choose: Oman: In Oman the most regular, popular and significant festival is MUSCAT FESTIVAL. This festival is one of the traditional festivals in Oman. The residences of Muscat eagerly wait for this day in every year. Through this festival people celebrate their cultural heritage. Italy: In Italy the most anticipate, common and popular festival is Venice festival. Its called in Italy (Carnevale di Venzia). Its an ancient festival of Italy. People all over the Italy wait for this festival very enthusiastically actually not only just Italian people but also the European people wait for this stunning festival. Origin: Muscat festival: The origin of this festival is very significance. It starts in 1998 since then its going on very proudly. This festival established to get back the cultural heritage of Omans people. Venice festival: The Venice Festival is the most internationally known festival celebrated in Venice, Italy, as well as being one of the oldest. It begins in the 15th century. During the 1970s, the Italian government decided to bring back the history and culture of Venice, and sought to use the traditional Carnival as the centerpiece of their efforts. Compare: Similarities: Both were established to bring back the cultural legacy of their country. Dissimilarities: Venice festival is more ancient than Muscat festival. Duration of these festivals: Muscat festival: Its held in January of every year and continuing for a month. Venice festival: its held in February of every year and continuing for few days (10 or 14). Celebrations: Muscat festival: Omans people celebrate their festival very stunningly. On these days different types of performances held in Muscat. The list of performances is categorized into Cultural Events, Desert Panorama, Family Village Events, Skill Shows and Events for Women. By performing on musics and dances many local and international artists increase the enchantment of this festival. Local artists usually sing their folk songs and perform traditional dances. For adults people different types of programs are held by famous Omani and Arab intellectual. Like discussion and debate on earthly and environmental topics. There are also different artistic, educational workshop, parades, seminars, poetry readings, literary gatherings and exhibition. This festival is very welcome by children. Because of this festival they find enormous happiness. This is the huge opportunity for them to enjoy and fulfill their wishes. Through this festival they can attend concert, game show, theatres and so on. Venice festival: In Venice festival people wear mask to disguise themselves. as wearing masks hid any form of identity between social classes. By wearing mask people attend everywhere. Venice festival presents many events such as music, ballet, fireworks night, mardi gras, theatre and circus street entertainments all around the city. This is a festival for spending money. On this festival people spend a huge amount of money lavishly on the purpose of gambling and other worldly pleasure. For gambling many gamble boots are set up all over the streets. For represent exotic animals and bird many dens, boots are set up. In addition to jugglers and ropewalkers performing on the streets; wine shops, restaurants, cafes and even brothels. For making this festival more attractive many contests are held for the participants and spectators along the way. Some of these include the Best Mask Contest for children and Music Concert Contests for local bands. Compare: Similarities: Both of these festivals represent the cultural view of their own country. Both of these festivals have the same entertaining sources such as concerts, theatres, game shows etc. Dissimilarities: In Venice festival people have a great chance to spend money lavishly but in Muscat festival people spend money but not as like as Italian people. The main attraction of Venice festival is to wear mask people wear their traditional mask for this festival but Muscat festival doesnt contain this type of thing. In Muscat festival there is a village which represent the cultural heritage of Muscat but Venice festival dont include this type of thing. The main attraction of these festivals: Venice festival (Venitian mask): Masks have always been a central feature of the Venetian festival. The masks are created by specially appointed craftsmen called the Mask Makers. Wearing mask people come out down road for celebrating this festival. Muscat festival (Indigenous village): A massive heritage village is set up to showcase Omans rich traditions and heritage, and light is shed on Muscats history and its various arts and crafts. This village is known as Indigenous village. This village locates in the Qurum National Park. Significance of this festival: Venice: This festival has noble purpose and that is no difference between rich and poor. This discrimination is lapped by wearing musk. This festival also gives an opportunity to let go of everything and simply enjoy life like it was meant to be. But among all the joyfulness of the masks, there sometimes appears a black mask of Death reminding people at the carnival that nothing lasts forever. Oman: This festival stands for people recreation and entertainment. This festival exposes the heritage and culture of Oman. And by this the new generations are able to take the savour of their countrys ancient culture and heritage. Compare: Similarities: Both of these are stand for entertaining people. Both of these festivals are stand for noble reason. Dissimilarities: Venice festival gives a great effort to remove social differences on the other hand Muscat festival emphasis on exposing their culture. On Venice festival people wear mask but Muscat festival people dont have to do this. Recently celebrated festivals: Muscat: Muscat festival of 2007 was started on 1st January and goes on 2nd February. The theme of the festival was Living Culture and Family Fun. Every year this festival has its own theme. Figure 1: The logo of Muscat festival Figure 2: Festival picture of children games On this day different types of performances like Arab music performance, Indian music performance were held. For children and adult there were children and adult theatre. In whole the festival was the for that time. Venice:Venice Carnival of 2007 was begun on 9th February and end on 20th and it was a successful festival. There were concerts, dances, games and so on. People had a great entertainment and fun. . Figure1: people wearing with Conclusion:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Changing World Of Women :: essays research papers fc

The Changing World of Women As a daughter living in a strict environment and living in a traditional ways, things get a little rough. My father is center of the household, so basically everything he says goes. In the western world it’s usually the other way around, it’s usually both the parents that have a say in things. In my society(Muslim society) my mother has a say in nothing unless my father asks. My mother is an excellent mother but she mustn’t say anything or it would be considered not being a good wife. As I get older I am always dreading the day I am asked to be married. I know times have changed but I have a major dilemma. Am I going to marry or continue my education? The problem is I like working with medicine and I want to further my education by going to college. But that requires a minimum of six years university attendance and if I want more degrees that another five years. Most of my medical friends that are females married and had children while they were studying in college. I don’t want that to be me. I want to actually finish something I start. My father isn’t exactly helping me with the situation. He hates the fact that I want to work. In his case, women are not supposed to work unnecessarily if their husbands can provide for them(or their fathers can provide for them if their not married), but in a place like Saudi Arabia where men and women don’t mix at work, working just enhances the mind and makes one wiser to the ways of the world. In my mothers opinion, women become better companions to their husbands who should be more understanding and supportive. I feel that instead of being selfish, we can work out ways that help us be good mothers, wives and also continue with our needs of life. If education is one such need, then there are ways to acquire it without causing disturbance. I think my father needs to catch up with the rest of the Muslim world instead of staying in the traditional ways. He s aid when I finish or if I finish my medical school he would refuse permission to let me work in a hospital.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Egypt :: essays research papers

Egypt   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Egypt is a Middle Eastern country located in the northeast corner of Africa. A small part of Egypt, called the Sinai Peninsula, is located in Asia. Deserts cover most of Egypt, so it gets little rain, but the longest river in the world, the Nile River, flows through the desert and is key to living for many Egyptians. Almost all of Egypt’s population, about 99%, is located near the Nile or along the Suez Canal, another body of water important to Egyptian life, although together they cover only four percent of Egypt’s total land. The largest city, Cairo, has a population of about 6 million. About 10 million people live in the Cairo metropolitan area. Alexandria, a port city, is the second largest. Egyptian cities are extremely crowded and have inadequate public transportation, causing lots of traffic. They do have crowded streetcars and trains, though.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many Egyptians consider themselves Arabs. The Bedouins, who are nomads, make up a distinct ethnic minority among the Arab population. Most have settled down on farms, but some tribes still wander. The major non-Arab minority are the Nubians. They originally lived in villages along the Nile in northern Sudan and the very bottom of Egypt, called the Nubian Valley. When the Aswan High Dam was constructed in the 1960’s, it forced the Nubians to move higher up on the Nile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Arabic is the official language of Egypt. Regional Arabic dialects have their own variations of sounds and words. The most widely used dialect is that of Cairo’s. The Bedouin dialect is different from the settled residents of the Nile Valley. Some people in desert villages even speak Berber. Many educated Egyptians also speak English or French in addition to Arabic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Egyptian city life is much different than its village life. City residents deal with normal city problems such as housing shortages and traffic. Most of city residents live in poverty, although others enjoy special conveniences and services. Villagers regularly live much like their ancestors did hundreds of years ago, getting by growing crops and tending animals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Egyptian cities have a wide range of wealth. Good-looking residential areas exist near widespread slums. Lack of satisfactory housing is a major problem. Many people live together in small apartments. Others build makeshift huts on land that belongs to others, or on roofs of apartments. Some of Cairo’s poorest citizens take shelter in historic tombs on the outskirts of the city, in a place call the City of the Dead.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

African Transformation from 1865-1920

The Progression of African Americans from 1865 to 1920 America has changed, as a whole, throughout this time period. There have been many different presidents, elections, wars and other world issues. These factors contribute to the drastic change in America and to the American people. African Americans have gone through many different changes other than those of the other races. With the end of the Civil War, African Americans went through a lot of change with the end of slavery.Throughout this essay I will explain the legislature, economic, philosophies, leaders, movement of people and other factors that contributed to the drastic change of the African American people between 1865 to 1920. In 1865 Reconstruction stared after the end of the civil war. Even though President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Slavery did not officially end until congress passed the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery. Freedmen were no allowed to be citizens until 1868 when congress passed the 14th amendment.The 14th amendment also allowed blacks the right to equal protection under the law. The first Supreme Court Interpretation of the 14th amendment was in the Slaughterhouse Case. This case extended the 14th amendment to all citizens. Even with the end of slavery and the right to citizenship, African Americans still didn’t have an easy life. With the end of slavery African Americans faced the issue of not being able to vote or in some not being allowed to own land.The Black codes, which laws were passed by state legislatures to suppress blacks and put them is form of slavery that was legal at the time. To fix the problem of blacks not being able to vote, congress passed the 15th amendment, which made it legal for blacks to vote. Even with the right to vote blacks were suppressed by and scared out of voting be the Klu Klux Klan which used tactics such a lynchings to scare blacks of voting. Ida B. Wells was a black journalist who exposed lynchings in the U. S.L iteracy test and poll taxes were also tactics used by white surprimisist to get blacks not to vote. Even with black codes and the KKK, this time period of Reconstruction was still a successful time for freedmen. They had three amendments passed in that addressed a few of the problems they faced. The blacks had come a long way from the end of the Civil War; they had gotten a lot of rights. Although they got many rights now they were at a large disadvantage to the whites. Blacks could not go to school because they had work or even were not allowed to go.Because of this disadvantage blacks could not get the same jobs as whites because they did not have the same education. There were two main leader of the movement to get blacks better education and jobs, but the two of them had completely different views of how to get what they wanted. The first was Booker T. Washington, who believed that blacks should not push for what they wanted and that they should prove their selves to get the sam e education and jobs as whites, this is also called gradualism. African Americans disliked this because they thought that their equalization was being put off.He believed that they should not rock the â€Å"Racial Boat†. The Second was W. E. B Dubois, who believed the exact opposite of Washington. He believed that the blacks could force the whites to give them what they wanted. He also believed that they should not what for the whites to give it to them he thought that blacks should push and force them to give it to them. Dubois also published the book of essays called The Souls of the Black Folks (1903). The blacks also ran out of labor in the South and choose to migrate to the North were there was an abundance of jobs.This sudden movement of blacks from the South to the North started the Great Black Migration. This era after reconstruction was a very successful time for freedmen and brought about great change not only in the lives of African Americans but also in the lives of all Americans. After slaves were free the US tried to start the Back to Africa Movement. This movement was brought about to try to get freedmen with African decent to go back to Africa and their homeland. For blacks that did not want to return to Africa there were very few options for them if they choose to stay.The first main problem was should they stay in the South or go somewhere else to find shelter and a job. The next problem was to find a job. To replace the slaves plantation owner implemented share cropping. Share cropping was a form of paid slavery that gave the families that choose to work on the plantation as share croppers a plot of land to farm and a place to live. The share croppers would give a large portion of what they had farmed to the owner of the land and they would get to keep a small amount of what they had harvested for themselves to live off of.For those who had joined the Union army during the Civil War, they had to try to get what they were promised whic h was forty acres of land and a mule to plow it. Though promise was rarely met this was an option for some freedmen who choose to stay in the U. S. To help freedmen get what they needed such a job, food, or education the Freedmen’s Bureau was started. This bureau was started to help get recently freed slaves on their feet after the Civil War. Former slaves had a hard time finding jobs but they did it anyway.During reconstruction the Southern Democrats wanted to get rid of the collation of Republicans that controlled the post war south. The Bourbon Democrats that want to oust this collation of freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags were known as Redeemers. These Redeemers did not get their way until reconstruction ended in 1877. With the end of reconstruction man freedmen were scare by the rumor of the reinstitution of slavery and the fact that the leaders of the old south were back in control meant that discrimination would run rampant.With this in mind they fled to the north and west most settling in Kansas. These freedmen who fled were known as exodusters. The Democratic Party regained the political power of the South. This total political power of the Democratic Party was known as the Solid South. During the time period of the Solid South, blacks were greatly discriminated upon. Freedmen who held office during reconstruction were stripped of their political position. To suppress blacks, white surprimisist implemented Jim Crow laws.Jim Crow laws were a set of laws passed by state legislatures in witch in some cases pulled the African Americans Right to vote. The term Jim Crow comes from a show that was put on to show a stereotypical black. In this show whites would wear black and pain themselves and then act as they thought blacks were. They would act stupid and show the idea that blacks were not equal to whites. In most states a grandfather clause was put into the state constitution which stated that if your grandfather had voted before the civil war than you could vote even if you were illiterate.This clause was meant to keep blacks who could not pass the literacy test from voting and allowed for the whites who failed the literacy test a way to vote. Under the Jim Crow laws the thought of â€Å"Separate but Equal†. This basically meant that as long as the state gave blacks the same conditions as whites it was ok to segregate them. The first major time the idea of â€Å"Separate but Equal† was challenged was in the case of Plessey vs. Fergusion (1896). In this case Homer Plessey was accused of sitting in the whites’ only car of the East Louisiana Railroad y and refused to leave.Plessey was seven eighths white and one eighth black, an octoroon. Even though he was just on eighth African American he was still consider black by Louisiana law and thus required to sit in the colored car of the train. The courts stated that Louisiana could not regulate railroad that went between two or more states but that they co uld regulate railroads that were only within the state. Both the state and federal Supreme Courts ruled against Plessey. It was not until the ca of Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) the â€Å"Separate but Equal† would no longer be the law of the land.During this time of Separate but Equal the type of segregation that took place was de jure segregation which meant to be segregated by law. This differs from today in that even though the law does not permit segregation in still happens by custom which is de facto segregation. W. E. B. Dubois organized a group that meet on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Because they meet at Niagara Falls they came to be known as the Niagara Movement (1903). They meet to discuses to problems facing blacks on a political and social level. They also discussed ways to fix the problems that faced the blacks.This movement was made of only blacks. The Niagara Movement led to the creation of the NAACP, which was made up of both blacks and whites a nd also fought for the solutions to problems facing blacks and whites on a political and social level. The Niagara Movement was thought to be more radical than that of the NAACP. Booker T. Washington; the president of the Tuskegee Institute, the first all black collage; was the architect of the Atlanta Compromise which stated that blacks would work week in and week out and summit to white political rule in exchange for basic education and due process.W. E. B Dubois used the term the Talented Tenth to show the 1 out of 10 blacks who will rise to be a leader of his or her race. He argued that blacks needed a more classical education rather than a vocational or industrial education. Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican political leader that founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association, African Community League, and the Black Star Steamship Line. The Black Star Steamship Line was shipping line that was supposed to facilitate the transportation of goods and eventually African Americans th roughout the African global economy.The Black Star Steamship Line derived its name from the white star line which was a key factor to the success of the back to Africa movement. Garvey thought he could simulate the success of the White Star Line. The Universal Negro Improvement Association founded the newspaper Negro World which had a front page editorial from Garvey and poetry and articles of international interest of people of African Ancestor. These men and there association were civil rights leaders that shaped the African American world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Filipino Women Writers and Jose Garcia Villa Essay

Estrella D. Alfon (July 18, 1917 – December 28, 1983) was a well-known prolific Filipina author who wrote in English. Because of continued poor health, she could manage only an A. A. degree from the University of the Philippines. She then became a member of the U. P. writers club and earned and was given the privileged post of National Fellowship in Fiction post at the U. P. Creative Writing Center. She died in the year 1983 at the age of 66. Estrella Alfon was born in Cebu City in 1917. Unlike other writers of her time, she did not come from the intelligentsia. Her parents were shopkeepers in Cebu. [1] She attended college, and studied medicine. When she was mistakenly diagnosed with tuberculosis and sent to a sanitarium, she resigned from her pre-medical education, and left with an Associate of Arts degree. Alfon has several children: Alan Rivera, Esmeralda â€Å"Mimi† Rivera, Brian Alfon, Estrella â€Å"Twinkie† Alfon, and Rita â€Å"Daday† Alfon (deceased). She has 10 grandchildren. Her youngest daughter, was a stewardess for Saudi Arabian Airlines, and was part of the Flight 163 crew on August 19, 1980, when an in-flight fire forced the aircraft to land in Riyadh. A delayed evacuation resulted in the death of everyone aboard the flight. Alfon died on December 28, 1983, following a heart attack suffered on-stage during Awards night of the Manila Film Festival. Professional She was a student in Cebu when she first published her short stories, in periodicals such as Graphic Weekly Magazine, Philippine Magazine, and the Sunday Tribune. She was a storywriter, playwright, and journalist. In spite of being a proud Cebuana, she wrote almost exclusively in English. She published her first story, â€Å"Grey Confetti†, in the Graphic in 1935. She was the only female member of the Veronicans, an avant garde group of writers in the 1930s led by Francisco Arcellana and H. R. Ocampo, she was also regarded as their muse. The Veronicans are recognized as the first group of Filipino writers to write almost exclusively in English and were formed prior to the World War II. She is also reportedly the most prolific Filipina writer prior to World War II. She was a regular contributor to Manila-based national magazines, she had several stories cited in Jose Garcia Villa’s annual honor rolls. Alfon was one writer who unashamedly drew from her own real-life experiences. In some stories, the first-person narrator is â€Å"Estrella† or â€Å"Esther. † She is not just a writer, but one who consciously refers to her act of writing the stories. In other stories, Alfon is still easily identifiable in her first-person reminiscences of the past: evacuation during the Japanese occupation; estrangement from a husband; life after the war. In the Espeleta stories, Alfon uses the editorial â€Å"we† to indicate that as a member of that community, she shares their feelings and responses towards the incidents in the story. But she sometimes slips back to being a first-person narrator. The impression is that although she shares the sentiments of her neighbors, she is still a distinct personality who detaches herself from the scene in order to understand it better. This device of separating herself as narrator from the other characters is contained within the larger strategy of ? distantiation? that of the writer from her strongly autobiographical material. – Thelma E. Arambulo| †| In the 1950s, her short story, â€Å"Fairy Tale for the City†, was condemned by the Catholic League of the Philippines as being â€Å"obscene†. [3] She was even brought to court on these charges. While many of her fellow writers did stand by her, many did not. These events hurt her deeply. [1] In spite of having only an A. A. degree, she was eventually appointed as a professor of Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines, Manila. She was a member of the U. P. Writers Club, she held the National Fellowship in Fiction post at the U. P. Creative Writing Center in 1979. [5] She would also serve on the Philippine Board of Tourism in the 1970s. Stories * Magnificence and Other Stories (1960) * Stories of Estrella Alfon (1994) (published posthumously) * Servant Girl (short story) * English Jose Garcia Villa Jose Garcia Villa (August 5, 1908 – February 7, 1997) was a Filipino poet, literary critic, short story writer, and painter. He was awarded the National Artist of the Philippines title for literature in 1973 as well as the Guggenheim Fellowship in creative writing by Conrad Aiken. He is known to have introduced the â€Å"reversed consonance rime scheme† in writing poetry, as well as the extensive use of punctuation marks—especiallycommas, which made him known as the Comma Poet. He used the penname Doveglion (derived from â€Å"Dove, Eagle, Lion†), based on the characters he derived from himself. These animals were also explored by another poet e. e. cummings in Doveglion, Adventures in Value, a poem dedicated to Villa. Villa was born on August 5, 1908, in Manila’s Singalong district. His parents were Simeon Villa (a personal physician of Emilio Aguinaldo, the founding President of the First Philippine Republic) and Guia Garcia (a wealthy landowner). He graduated from the University of the Philippines Integrated School and the University of the Philippines High School in 1925. Villa enrolled on a Pre-Medical course in the University of the Philippines, but then switched to Pre-Law course. However, he realized that his true passion was in the arts. Villa first tried painting, but then turned into creative writing after reading Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson. Writing career Villa’s tart poetic style was considered too aggressive at that time. In 1929 he published Man Songs, a series of erotic poems, which the administrators in UP found too bold and was even fined Philippine peso for obscenity by the Manila Court of First Instance. In that same year, Villa won Best Story of the Year from Philippine Free Press magazine for Mir-I-Nisa. He also received P1,000 prize money, which he used to migrate to the United States. He enrolled at the University of New Mexico, wherein he was one of the founders of Clay, a mimeograph literary magazine. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and pursued post-graduate work at Columbia University. Villa had gradually caught the attention of the country’s literary circles, one of the few Asians to do so at that time. After the publication of Footnote to Youth in 1933, Villa switched from writing prose to poetry, and published only a handful of works until 1942. During the release of Have Come, Am Here in 1942, he introduced a new rhyming scheme called â€Å"reversed consonance† wherein, according to Villa: â€Å"The last sounded consonants of the last syllable, or the last principal consonant of a word, are reversed for the corresponding rhyme. Thus, a rhyme for near would be run; or rain, green, reign. † In 1949, Villa presented a poetic style he called â€Å"comma poems†, wherein commas are placed after every word. In the preface of Volume Two, he wrote: â€Å"The commas are an integral and essential part of the medium: regulating the poem’s verbal density and time movement: enabling each word to attain a fuller tonal value, and the line movement to become more measures. Villa worked as an associate editor for New Directions Publishing in New York City between 1949 to 1951, and then became director of poetry workshop at City College of New York from 1952 to 1960. He then left the literary scene and concentrated on teaching, first lecturing in The New School. The New School for Social Research from 1964 to 1973, as well as conducting poetry workshops in his apartment. Villa was also a cultural attache to the Philippine Mission to the United Nations from 1952 to 1963, and an adviser on cultural affairs to the President of the Philippines beginning 1968. Death On February 5, 1997, at the age of 88, Jose was found in a coma in his New York apartment and was rushed to St. Vincent Hospital in the Greenwich area. His death two days later was attributed to â€Å"cerebral stroke and multilobar pneumonia†. He was buried on February 10 in St. John’s Cemetery in New York, wearing a Barong Tagalog. Personal In 1946 Villa married Rosemarie Lamb, with whom he has two sons, Randy and Lance. They annulled ten years later. He also has three grandchildren. Works As an editor, Villa first published Philippine Short Stories: Best 25 Short Stories of 1928 in 1929, an anthology of Filipino short stories written in English literature English that were mostly published in the literary magazine Philippine Free Press for that year. It is the second anthology to have been published in the Philippines, after Philippine Love Stories by editor Paz Marquez-Benitez in 1927. His first collection of short stories that he has written were published under the title Footnote to Youth: Tales of the Philippines and Others in 1933; while in 1939, Villa publishedMany Voices, his first collection poems, followed by Poems by Doveglion in 1941. Other collections of poems include Have Come, Am Here (1942), Volume Two (194 in that year when he edited. The Doveglion Book of Philippine Poetry in English from 1910. Three years later, he released a follow-up for The Portable Villa entitled The Essential Villa. Villa, however, went under â€Å"self-exile† after the 1960s, even though he was nominated for several major literary awards including the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. This was perhaps because of oppositions between his formalism (literature)formalist style and the advocates of proletarian literature who misjudged him as a petty bourgeois. Villa only â€Å"resurfaced† in 1993 with an anthology entitled Charlie Chan Is Dead, which was edited by Jessica Hagedorn Several reprints of Villa’s past works were done, including Appasionata: Poems in Praise of Love in 1979, A Parliament of Giraffes (a collection of Villa’s poems for young readers, with Tagalog language Tagalog translation provided by Larry Francia), and The Anchored Angel: Selected Writings by Villa that was edited by Eileen Tabios with a foreword provided by Hagedorn (both in 1999). Among his popular poems include When I Was No Bigger Than A Huge, an example of his â€Å"comma poems†, and The Emperor’s New Sonnet (a part of Have Come, Am Here) which is basically a blank sheet of paper. Paz Marquez Benitez She was Born in 1894 in Lucena City, Quezon. Marquez – Benitez authored the first Filipino modern English language short story, Dead Stars, published in the Philippine Herald in 1925. Born into the prominent Marquez family of Quezon province, she was among the first generation of Filipino people trained in the American education system which used English as the medium of instruction. She graduated high school in Tayabas High School now, Quezon National High School and college from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1912. â€Å"Marquez†Benitez. She was a member of the first freshman class of the University of the Philippines, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1912. Two years after graduation, she married UP College of Education Dean Francisco Benitez with whom she had four children. Marquez-Benitez later became a teacher at the University of the Philippines, who taught short-story writing and had become an influential figure to many Filipino writers in the English language, such as Loreto Paras-Sulit, Paz M. Latorena Arturo Belleza Rotor,Bienvenido N. Santos and Francisco Arcellana. The annually held Paz Marquez-Benitez Lectures in the Philippines honors her memory by focusing on the contribution of Filipino women writers to Philippine Literature in the English language. Though she only had one more published short story after â€Å"Dead Stars† entitled â€Å"A Night In The Hills†, she made her mark in Philippine literature because her work is considered the first modern Philippine short story. For Marquez-Benitez, writing was a lifelong occupation. In 1919 she founded â€Å"Woman’s Home Journal†, the first women’s magazine in the country. Also in the same year, she and other six women who were prominent members of Manila’s social elites, namely Clara Aragon, Concepcion Aragon, Francisca Tirona Benitez, Carolina Ocampo Palma, Mercedes Rivera, and Socorro Marquez Zaballero, founded the Philippine Women’s College now Philippine Women’s University. â€Å"Filipino Love Stories†, reportedly the first anthology of Philippine stories in English by Filipinos, was compiled in 1928 by Marquez-Benitez from the works of her students. When her husband died in 1951, she took over as editor of the Philippine Journal of Education at UP. She held the editorial post for over two decades. In 1995, her daughter, Virginia Benitez-Licuanan wrote her biography, â€Å"Paz Marquez-Benitez: One Woman’s Life, Letters, and Writings. â€Å"